FAQs about The Reader Crew

What is this about?

This is the home of science fiction author Joshua James. (That’s me!) If you don’t know my stuff, check out my author page on Amazon.

Who should subscribe to it?

Everyone, including all your friends and family and even that one neighbor you like even though you’re pretty sure he’s letting his dogs poop on your lawn.

More specifically, folks who would like to get an early copy of every novel I publish.

How often does it come out?

I publish a newsletter more or less every week, depending on my mood. It’s always free.

For paid subscribers, I publish two finished novels a month. You’ll get them both before everyone else. It’s a pretty sweet deal.

Subscribe to The Reader Crew

This is the only place to get updates, giveaways, and cool swag from science fiction author Joshua James. Always free to subscribe. (And every subscriber gets 3 free ebooks.)


Science fiction author. Science fiction nerd. Fan of retro SF in all forms.
I grew up on a steady diet of Star Trek and Star Wars. My stories evoke my love for those kinds of space opera tales mixed with a healthy dose of action.