The Reader Crew
The Reader Crew
Mind Webs: The Veldt - Ray Bradbury - 30:56

Mind Webs: The Veldt - Ray Bradbury - 30:56

This is one of a handful of Mind Webs versions where Michael Hansen is joined by a guest narrator, in this case Carol Collin, and it really adds something to this classic story.

The Veldt

A nursery in a fully automated house allows its owners’ children to create any virtual environment they desire, but when they use it to recreate the African savannah, the line between illusion and reality starts to become blurred. Based on a short story, originally titled “The World the Children Made”, first published in The Saturday Evening Post, in September 1950; and later, as “The Veldt”, in Ray Bradbury's short-story collection The Illustrated Man, in 1951.

If you haven’t experienced it, it’s a truly remarkable tale that touches on over-reliance on technology, parenting, and the troubling consequences of virtual reality.

Mind Webs was a 1970's series out of WHA Radio in Wisconsin that featured weekly short stories of science fiction by some of the genre's best writers. The music, sound cues and occasional character voices along with the performance of Michael Hansen, the reader, resulted in better than most fully dramatized productions of the period. Around 150 shows were aired between 1976 and 1984 varying in length, but most were about 30 minutes.

The Reader Crew
The Reader Crew
A curated selection of Golden Age sci-fi by some of the genre’s best writers, from Ray Bradbury to Arthur C. Clarke, as well as classic serialized radio programs.