The Reader Crew
The Reader Crew
Mind Webs: Singularities Make Me Nervous - Larry Niven - 31:06

Mind Webs: Singularities Make Me Nervous - Larry Niven - 31:06

“Singularities Make Me Nervous” is from Larry Niven’s collection Convergent Series.

After exploring the space near a blackhole, astronaut George Cox returns to his apartment to confront...himself!  This is no surprise to him, as Cox has traveled back in time in before in the same repeating loop. His younger self, however, is unsure how to handle the situation—until the pair conspire a scam that could make them millions.

Mind Webs was a 1970's series out of WHA Radio in Wisconsin that featured weekly short stories of science fiction by some of the genre's best writers. The music, sound cues and occasional character voices along with the performance of Michael Hansen, the reader, resulted in better than most fully dramatized productions of the period. Around 150 shows were aired between 1976 and 1984 varying in length, but most were about 30 minutes.

The Reader Crew
The Reader Crew
A curated selection of Golden Age sci-fi by some of the genre’s best writers, from Ray Bradbury to Arthur C. Clarke, as well as classic serialized radio programs.