The Reader Crew
The Reader Crew
X-Minus One: Zero Hour by Ray Bradbury - 14:23

X-Minus One: Zero Hour by Ray Bradbury - 14:23


X-Minus One was the radio extension of Astounding Science Fiction. It’s one of my favorite of the old time radio shows that you can find floating around

It featured full-cast renditions of stories—and not just stories that published within the pages of Astounding.

This episode, for example, features the short story, “Zero Hour,” which was published in Ray Bradbury’s The Illustrated Man collection in 1951, although the story itself was written in 1947.

It’s a spooky little story about a group of children playing a game. A game that the adults ignore.

A game that has caught the attention of children nationwide.

A game called Invasion.

The Illustrated Man Ray Bradbury
The Reader Crew
The Reader Crew
A curated selection of Golden Age sci-fi by some of the genre’s best writers, from Ray Bradbury to Arthur C. Clarke, as well as classic serialized radio programs.